By better I mean being FREE from all the nagging DOUBTS & FEARS that most of us carry to the grave. I’m talking about having utmost confidence in your capabilities and decisions so that you’ll no longer worry what people think of you, no longer think the worst about situations and no longer create make-believe catastrophes in your mind (which would probably never happen anyway).
By more enjoyable I mean feeling HAPPIER, CALMER and IN-CONTROL in even the most stressful & difficult situations. You’ll be able to relax deeply at will so that the pressures of work, family and life in general no longer bother you. You’ll no longer be a slave to NEGATIVE EMOTIONS such as anxiety, worry & depression.
Oh, and don’t be surprised if you SLEEP BETTER as a result of this too. Most people who practice mindfulness meditation find they are able to relax...
We recorded this little meditation specifically to help you recharge & revitalise yourself when you’re feeling tired or stressed.
Although this type of meditation doesn’t form part of our structured ‘Quiet Mind’ course, guided meditations like this are a great way to relax and also to start to develop focus, concentration and awareness.
As you listen to the meditation, thoughts and other distractions will undoubtedly pop into your head. This is normal and is one of the reasons why this sort of practice can be beneficial.
Rather than getting drawn into your thoughts, just gently bring yourself back to the picture and back to the words. Don’t fight with your thoughts, try to ‘block them’ or suppress them. Instead, just acknowledge them without being attached to them and let them go, taking your attention back to the meditation. You may find it easier and more relaxing to close your eyes and just listen to the words.
By practicing like this...
Working life is stressful – you don’t need me to tell you that.
Regardless of what job you do, in any one busy day you face pressures of all kinds. People, technology, traffic, bureaucracy, deadlines and sheer workload all add to the energy-draining frustration of trying to get by in today's busy world. And that’s in addition to the demands we must manage in our private lives – relationships, financial matters, health issues, children, running a home, the list goes on and on.
Like I say, you don’t need me to remind you how much stress these things can cause, but are you aware of the damaging effect this can have on your health?
You see, every time you experience a stressful event or situation you become flooded with what is effectively a cocktail of toxic stress hormones. Over time, the effect of these on your body can be devastating.
Just in case you’re not familiar with the Fight or Flight process I’ll explain it briefly here...
50% Complete
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